If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the many years of inviting my podcast listeners to travel alongside me on trips – it’s that we have a LOT of fun anytime we get together, no matter the destination.
I know that you guys are real people just like me with real, bold travel aspirations, and honestly, I can’t get enough of hanging out with you. In fact, I find our adventures near and far so impactful that I have come up with another way to connect with you all in real time, and this time, I’m coming to you.

After nine years of just me (and sometimes a guest or two) behind the mic, I’ve decided it’s time to try something new with JUMP Podcast. I am turning this beloved space into a conversation – with YOU.
I’m calling them PodChats.
Essentially, I’ll be hosting and creating the same inspiring travel conversations that I have historically done for the podcast, but going forward, I’ll be hosting these conversations in front of a LIVE audience, much like a webinar – that’s where YOU come in.
YOU are formally invited to join us inside JUMP PodChats!
You will have access to monthly podcast recordings as they happen – like having a backstage pass to JUMP Podcast, with VIP credentials, before the episode ever gets published.
Then we’ll open up the conversation for an exclusive Q&A and follow up chat afterwards, just for us. There will be more stories, show & tells, beverage pairings, and all the fun we’re bound to dream up going forward. Plus, we’ll have live giveaways every month for those who are present!
We tested this with a small group of recent JUMP Adventures participants, and as Randy said, “I’m dancing for joy. This is a very exciting format!” We hear you, Randy, we are dancing for joy too!

Join Us Backstage
Introducing JUMP PodChats
Who: JUMP Podcast listeners, trip participants, and like-minded adventurers.
What: PodChats are our new style of podcasting (and gathering!) here at JUMP Adventures, where we invite YOU backstage each month to join us for an original podcast recording, PLUS an exclusive follow-up chat session with live attendees, PLUS live giveaways!
Where: JUMP Basecamp – our private platform where we gather, prepare, and GO together.
When: Once per month live, and replays whenever you want.
Why: Because we are all about REAL connection at JUMP Adventures, and this is one more way to create that within our incredible travel community.