So, apparently it’s 2022, and before we focus on what we’ve got in store for you this year, we want to take a minute to acknowledge that 2021 was HUGE for JUMP Adventures.
We accomplished a lot around here, so let’s recap, with pictures!

The Rebrand
Since 2016 (um, hello five year anniversary!), Jackie has been leading group trips as a way to invite her blog and podcast audiences to travel along with her, and because this audience is filled with rockstars like you, you have said yes again and again, showing up trip after trip.
Until last fall, these group trips were run through Jackie’s website Traveling Jackie— which was always meant to be a more personal space to write blog posts about her life and travel.
So… with much anticipation and excitement, (and the genius of a badass design team), Jackie took the leap of separating JUMP Adventures into its own entity as an officially-branded adventure travel company, complete with a rad logo, super slick website, and its own Instagram account filled with people taking their first (and second and third and fifth) leaps. Dreams do come true, people!

The Swag
If a fancy new brand isn’t the perfect opportunity for some swag, then we don’t know what is. For now we have: turquoise JUMP trucker hats that come with free stickers. For the future: the possibilities are endless.

The Trip(s)
One of the major highlights of 2021 was our group trip to Croatia in October. Not only was this the first officially, official JUMP Adventures adventure (!), but it also symbolized the long-awaited return of travel. After postponing the Croatia Bike & Boat Island Hopping Adventure by a full year, we were floored by the volume of interest and wound up needing to add a whole second trip!
Over 40 of you (4-0!!!!) said yes to travel, yes to adventure, yes to living on a yacht and cycling around Croatia for 10 days, and yes to flying across an ocean during a freaking pandemic. You all are brave. And joyful. And energetic. And we are so grateful for you.
JUMP Adventures has two more big trips coming this March (multi-sport adventures in Patagonia!) and there are only five spots left. Be sure to book quickly if you’re interested → registration closes next Saturday.

The Award
Speaking of Patagonia, the film Jackie made in partnership with Osprey back in 2019 was featured at the Bozeman International Film Festival back in September. And it WON Best Documentary Short!
This sixteen-minute film follows Jackie as she returns to the misty island of Chiloé in Patagonia, a place that welcomed her with open arms during a transitional and difficult time. The film truly brings the magic of the region to life. Watch it and you’ll quickly see why Patagonia is a mainstay of JUMP Adventures and will be for years to come.

The Retreat Re-Launch
JUMP Adventures is always intended to be an invitation: an opportunity to travel to the most epic corners of the planet in community. But we also know sometimes there’s a little resistance, something holding you back.
That’s why in 2020, Jackie reformatted her group retreats into a virtual community program called JUMPstart. In 2021, with the release of JUMP Adventures, we launched a self-guided version of the popular online program for those who prefer to adventure solo.

The New Partnership
NEW for 2021, your participation in any of our trips is helping JUMP Adventures remove 600 kg of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.
We do this in partnership with Tomorrow’s Air: a traveler collective that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, permanently, using direct air capture and storing it underground. This is big, world changing stuff, you guys, and it is accessible, for all of us (check this out).
Well, that’s that.
You might have thought a global pandemic would have slowed us down, but there’s simply no stopping the momentum we’ve been building together for the past five years. We have had a huge year, and we are starting 2022 excited and energized, thanks to YOU.
You all seriously rock our world. Thank you for reading this and for being here on this journey.
We hope 2022 brings you lots of PTO, open borders, and far-away adventures. We’ll be back soon to let you know how WE can help with that!